Malone University students, faculty, and staff have the ability to purchase computers at a discount through the following websites: Software Many vendors offer education pricing discounts for software and applications. You should review the terms of the license to make sure there are not any limitations. Malone has set up a store with OnTheHub.com for students, faculty, and staff to purchase software at an educational discount. Visit Malone's store at malone.onthehub.com . Office is FREE for your use If you are a student enrolled in a current or future term or an employee of the University, you have free-to-you Work-At-Home (WAH) rights to the MS Office suite. This option does not extend to retirees. Log into https://www.office.com/ with your malone.edu credentials to get started! Please Note: The Malone University Information Technology Department does not endorse one computer brand over another. Also, the Information Technology Department does not service personally-owned computers except for connectivity issues on campus. If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact the Help Desk at helpdesk@malone.edu or 330.471.8428. |